Centre for Policy Design

For the last 25 years, ATREE has generated rigorous interdisciplinary knowledge to inform policy and practice towards conservation and sustainability. ATREE has historically engaged with a range of policy stakeholders to create an impact that balances the tradeoffs between addressing chronic poverty and inequality whilst promoting the conservation of landscapes and sustaining ecosystem services. Many of these policy interventions emerged organically due to ATREE’s in-depth knowledge and engagement with issues such as water quality and management, biodiversity conservation, forest rights and, governance and invasive species.

Currently, we are working on a range of ecological and environmental policy issues such as:

Forest and Governance

ATREE has been at the forefront of forest governance policy research and implementation. The Forests and Governance Programme has documented how combinations of governance regimes, economic policies, cultural changes and biophysical measures have led to better forest governance. ATREE’s pioneering work in supporting indigenous rights under the Forest Rights Act facilitated the first Community Forest Rights claims in the Western Ghats and Central Indian forests.

Wasteland Policy

We are building the policy pathway for a transition towards large-scale responsible restoration in India through research, planning, financing and implementation of restoration schemes across India. Early success is visible, as government institutions, civil society partners and other stakeholders are adopting the language for describing ecosystems (#NotWastelands), and for advocating for a strong community led, rights and livelihoods based restoration policy.

Ecological Restoration

We have a strong focus on amplifying scientific evidence that shows the ecological value of savanna grasslands and other Open Natural Ecosystems and addresses the identity crisis that is preventing the effective management of these ecosystems. We are working with government stakeholders as well as civil society to conserve and restore these ecosystems through policy advocacy.

Public Finance

We are working towards mobilising finance for large-scale restoration by utilising of unspent budgetary allocations such as Compensatory Afforestation (CAMPA) funds on the ecological restoration of grassland and other open natural ecosystems. We are also targeting reorienting other public finance allocations towards responsible restoration.

Forest and Governance

ATREE has been at the forefront of forest governance policy research and implementation. The Forests and Governance Programme has documented how combinations of governance regimes, economic policies, cultural changes and biophysical measures have led to better forest governance. ATREE’s pioneering work in supporting indigenous rights under the Forest Rights Act facilitated the first Community Forest Rights claims in the Western Ghats and Central Indian forests.

Wasteland Policy

Research, design, and impact for ecological restoration in India. We are building the policy pathway for a transition towards large-scale responsible restoration in India through planning, financing and implementation of restoration schemes across India. Early success is visible, as government institutions, civil society partners and other stakeholders are adopting the language for describing ecosystems (#NotWastelands), and for advocating for a strong community led, rights and livelihoods based restoration policy. ATREE-CPD anchors the Alliance for Reversing Ecosystem Service Threats (AREST) that is building the template for scaling up the pilot initiatives carried out by individual AREST partners.

Ecological Restoration

We have a strong focus on amplifying scientific evidence that show ecological value of savanna grasslands and other Open Natural Ecosystems and address the identity crisis that is preventing effective management of these ecosystems. We are working with government stakeholders as well as civil society to conserve and restore these ecosystems through policy advocacy.

Public Finance

We are working towards mobilising finance for large-scale restoration through the utilisation of unspent budgetary allocations such as Compensatory Afforestation (CAMPA) funds on ecological restoration of grassland and other open natural ecosystems. We are also targeting reorienting other public finance allocations towards responsible restoration.

Key Areas of Work

Knowledge Generation & Action

CPD aims to generate a repository of knowledge on environmental policy. We conduct in-depth policy analysis, develop thematic policy, strategies and produce policy briefs, factsheets, reports and white papers to advance the understanding of environmental policy in India.

Knowledge Generation & Action

Outreach and Communications

Research findings need to be strategically conveyed to policymakers and other relevant stakeholders. We invest in targeted communications plans to reach our audience.

Outreach and Communications

Partnerships and Networks

We build networks and partnerships with communities, governments, civil, society and market forces to implement effective policy designs.

Partnerships and Networks