Male Mahadeshwara Hills

The CCC was set up to regularly conduct awareness programmes on environmental protection, conservation of forests. The CCC engages the local communities on the importance of forest restoration, sustainable use of non-timber forest products and the ecological threats from invasive species, such as Lantana camara.

The MM Hills Community Conservation Centre works with the local Soliga and Bedagampana (lingayat) communities to bring positive change in the ecosystem while enhancing their livelihoods.

Key Areas of Work

Non-Timber Forest Products

These are an important source of income for the local communities. NTFPs include honey, tamarind, amla, antwala, magaliberu, sige and broom grass.

Lantana Craft Centre (LCC)

Was set up by ATREE at MM Hills in 2004. It is an inclusive, participatory and cost-effective initiative affording employment opportunities for men and women in the forested landscapes of MM Hills.

Wild Food Plants (WFPs)

These plants naturally occur in forests, farmlands, fallow land, roadside and near water bodies and streams. With the help of the MM Hills-based research team, 124 WFP species were assessed for the nutritional and economic security of the communities.
