
Pied harrier migration. Hawk Watch International


Pied harrier (Circus melanoleucos) is one of the six species of harriers that migrate into India during winter. Pied harrier is an attractive raptor found in marshy and terai areas in the eastern part of the country. They are known to roost in tall grass. It is also the only species of harrier known to breed in Assam, India. The last record of its breeding was in 1989 in the Manas National Park (MNS), Assam. This project would like to resurvey the Manas National Park area to re-establish its breeding record for India. The survey will happen in the months of April/May when the harrier is known to breed. In addition, if a roost is found, we would be able to estimate the population of birds in the National Park. This would go further to highlight the value of MNS not only in the country but globally.