
Sachin Pernacca Sashidhar
Policy Analyst

Sachin Pernacca Sashidhar is a Policy Analyst at the Centre for Policy Design (CPD) at ATREE. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Azim Premji University, specializing in Law and Development. His professional experience includes working on environmental legal cases related to lake protection, biodiversity conservation & GMO regulation, solid waste management, and land acquisition and displacement apart from his engagement with diverse social justice issues.

His research interests lie at the intersection of human rights and environmental justice, where he aims to critically analyse the interconnectedness and relevance of current economic, ecological, and climate mitigation paradigms. Currently, at CPD, he is working on policy exploration related to lake rejuvenation and conservation, and invasive alien species management, contributing to a comprehensive body of work in this domain.